Builds Up Energy
Are you suffering from low energy levels or have you putting-on / losing body weight abruptly or you feel aches & pain frequently or do you have gas/bloated abdomen, constipation and loss of appetite? If yes, you certainly need to know the cause. Be due to buildup of stress, anxiety, or tiredness over time and it can be due to body wear and tear or due to an underlying clinical condition which has to be treated & rectified. Panchakarma is the preventive & curative solution for all these conditions.
Panchakarma is an authentic ayurvedic treatment that lightens the body and reignites the energy from inside. Ayurvedic experts at Shadanga suggest the right therapies that strengthen your body’s internal capacity and help get rid of toxins and blockages that have been accumulated with time. Panchakarma makes your body feel naturally light, energetic and alive!